Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Angels & Demons

Today the sort of euphoric happiness I had got a reality check. I finally started dealing with the real feelings from what happened. Mindfully I've dealth with them and shared with Missy the damage she did and the danger she put me and others in. I accept my part in it, but she had a hand as well. I'm ready to lay it down for tonight.

I seen Jen for the first time in 19 years today. It was amazing, it was like we've known each other for years and just got back I'm touch, instead of being acquantiences and just start talking. It is scary that feelings of love have developed for both of us, but we're communicating and taking it slow. Our first kiss was amazing, I hope I never lose that memory. She is such a sweet, caring, patient and loving woman. I have no reason to rush, she's going no where and we both know what our hopes and desires are. I feel good about this. While it may have happened faster than I wish, we can keep it healthy. I hope tomorrow is a good day :)
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