Monday, January 12, 2009

I got approved

Me and Missy have been working towards getting approved for Gastric bypass, Roux en-Y surgery for the past 4 months. There is so much to it than what I new before I started all this and I know I'm ready for it. We've went through this journey at the Vanderbilt Center for Surgical Weight Loss, and though it wasn't my first choice, I'm very happy that we did as they know what they are doing and have our interest at heart, not the money they will get from the surgery.

For those who know nothing about this surgery, please educate yourself here. There is so much preparation for this surgery and for how I will live my life afterwards (for the rest of my life). I know there are some ignorant people who will think that I'm taking the easy way out. For those people who say it or think it (and haven't had to live a day in my shoes) think about this. After surgery I'll have a stomach the size of your thumb, I'll have to eat slowly and hope I don't eat more than the 2 to 3 TBS that my stomach can hold (overtime this will increase to a normal amount, if I do I'll enjoy much discomfort and eventually vomit. If I eat something with more than 5 grams of sugar or fat (which isn't much if you look at nutritional facts) I'll go through dumping, which will include symptoms of weakness, bloating, cramping, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting.  I have to drink 64 oz of water a day, but I can't drink 30 minutes before a meal, 45 minutes after a meal or during a meal and because of the size of my stomach, I'll only be able to sip water, all day long. I'll have to take supplements for the rest of my life, Calcium Citrate w/ Vitamin D (1500 mg) a day, but in 500mg increments, at least 2 hours apart, B12 & a B complex, a Multivitamin (that can't be taken at the same time as the Calcium, as they compete for absorption) and protein (which must be the first part of every meal, and must be 70 g a day), for the rest of my life. And for the rest of my life I will have to see my doctor and nutritionist once a year. So still think it's the easy way out? And this is just a tool, I still have to exercise 5 days a week and fix how I got this way. So this will be a long hard, life long journey, but I'm happy about it.

Missy has already had surgery (she had surgery on 12/29/08) and i recuperating fine. I was just approved last Thursday for my surgery and once I receive the paperwork from the insurance company, my surgery will be scheduled. We'll see what happens.


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