Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Family (what it should be)

With the year I had last year, I understand more than ever the meaning and importance of family. I never truly appreciated that no matter what, my family has always been there. While I may have had a difficult upbringing at their hands, they have always been there. I see other families, some I consider to be what I wish I had, while other are much worse and totally dysfunctional in their own ways. Why can't we appreciate what we have and accept people for who and what they are? It's just sad.

The best definition of family I've found is;

Contemporary society generally views family as a haven from the world, supplying absolute fulfillment. The family is considered to encourage "intimacylove and trust where individuals may escape the competition of dehumanizing forces in modern society."

I don't judge anyone, we all make mistakes, that is part of life, we live and learn. But when you turn your back on someone who you are supposed to love unconditionally and not just turn your back, but even take the side of the person who has abused, wronged and tore them down, then I find it very difficult to understand or agree with.

I really hope we all can take a look at what you've done and fix things before they are no longer fixable. It would be a huge loss overall to allow it to continue to crumble away to nothing. Life is so fragile and none of us are guaranteed anymore time that what we are given here. You can't say someday I'll fix it, someday may never come. That person may not always be here to fix it with and tell them how much you love and care about them. Don't put off until tomorrow or someday what you need to do today :)


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